Dear Friends,
Today I feel a little like Cindy Lou Who in the Grinch - the words of “Where Are You Christmas” running through my head. I am not sure where my Christmas spirit went, but I know for sure I have misplaced it. I love this time of year, and I am normally Ms. Christmas. I started listening to Christmas music in October and my tree was up before Thanksgiving. But this year has been different for me. I don’t know if it was the feeling of everything being rushed or for the first time I felt the pressure to buy the perfect gift for everyone. We have been surrounded by parties and people, and I not saying those are bad things. I just feel like I missed Christmas while I was supposed to be celebrating Christmas. I tried so hard to get it back, but here it is December 26th and I missed Christmas.
I missed the magic of the lights.
I missed the feeling I get when we sit down and open presents.
I missed my Mamaw something fierce.
I think the problem is not that those things were not there, but that I wasn’t present for them. I have been so worried about Christmas - I forgot to enjoy it. I am sorry I know this post may be a little sad for the day after Christmas, but I had to get these feelings out. Now that I have - I feel a lot better. I think I shall celebrate Christmas now.